Arch humor

Iris and I were playing a recently-invented game called Funny Food. She has these little Japanese erasers in the shape of various food items, mostly desserts, and we disassemble and reassemble them in bizarre ways, like chocolate-covered French fries or three strawberries served in an empty French fry container (this is one of the new healthy sides at McDonald’s).

Anyway, Iris handed me a sandwich with the meat and lettuce on the outside and the bread in the middle. I pretended to eat it.

> **Iris (to Laurie):** Dada ate my architecture!

> **Me:** *uncontrollable laughter*

> **Iris:** Grrr!

> **Me:** *silence*

> **Iris:** Mama doesn’t think it’s funny either.

> **Laurie:** *uncontrollable laughter*

P.S.: Fans of K. Rool might want to check [this]( out.

6 thoughts on “Arch humor

  1. Wendy

    Today at the gym I saw a magazine called TODDLER with the headline “10 Preschool Must Haves”.

    Oh, goodness, it made me laugh, and wonder how many of the Must-Haves Iris has, and whether, if she read the article, she would want to go out and buy the rest.

    Then I remembered that Iris isn’t a toddler anymore. And that probably the article is not aimed at the toddlers themselves, since they can’t read. But still.

  2. Wendy

    I had to go back to the gym and actually read the article (the whole magazine was pretty funny). The best thing was a digital camera, so the preschool teachers (who have SO much free time and SO many free hands) can take pictures of the kid so the parents don’t miss a single precious moment.

    The others were pretty generic–stuffed animal, photo album, stuff like that–but all with specific brand name and shopping info given.

    (And even though I’m making fun of it, they strike me as people who might be interested in reviewing Hungry Monkey. I think half the magazine was about food. Like Acorn Squash Canoes, which I think were just squash wedges.)

  3. mamster Post author

    Good point–thanks. My publicist is all over Cookie magazine like me on a cookie, but I had never heard of Toddler until now.

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