Ringleader of the TastyKakes

On Monday I was downtown shopping for a new yo-yo (I’m not really any good with a yo-yo, but I wanted to impress Iris with my three yo-yo tricks). I was planning on lunch at Takohachi, which I’ve been meaning to post about for ages, but on the way there I passed by [Tat’s Delicatessen](http://www.tatsdeli.com/) (WARNING: web site has audio).

I’d walked by Tat’s before, but always at the wrong time. There are a few Philly cheesesteak places in town, and I’d been to a couple of them and thought they were fine. The cheesesteak has to be one of the most likable foods there is–I mean, it’s hot meat and cheese on a roll. The sandwich I got, though, totally blew away any cheesesteak I’ve had before (I’ve never had one in Philadelphia). It was fantastically juicy, with a roll that was just crispy enough to hold together, and the salt level was right. It had some pickled hot peppers and fresh sweet peppers, and onions, and white American cheese. Next time I’ll go all the way and get Cheez Whiz.

Now, Tat’s has been reviewed by various local media, including the Times and P-I, so I’m not breaking any news here. In fact, I’m probably the last person in town to try it. I always feel silly when I try to talk up a place like that, as if I were saying, “You’ve got to try this restaurant I discovered–it’s called Canlis!”

Recently, though I had an experience that put this in perspective. I was listening to [KEXP](http://www.kexp.org/), and I heard this song that totally grabbed me. It had loud guitars, a great singalong chorus, and vocals that were kind of familiar. I waited for the DJ to announce it, and, well, it was the new Morrissey single.

So I bought the record. Why not? Turns out Morrissey is as easy to like as a cheesesteak.

**Tat’s Delicatessen**
115 Occidental Ave S
Seattle WA 98104
(206) 264-8287
Mon-Fri: 7am-4pm

2 thoughts on “Ringleader of the TastyKakes

  1. Laurel

    Next time you’re in the area, you should go to HK Cafe at 7th and Dearborn (it’s real name is in Chinese, and I don’t think it means anything close to HK Cafe). Interesting cold appetizers like beef tendon, cold chicken, chinese health soups, noodles and rice bowls.. They also have pretty good stiry fry of that vegetable that you might know as kang kung, ong choy, or hollow green vegetable.

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