Latest book updates

Hey, folks. At some point, the book stuff will slow down and I’ll cook something or Iris will say something funny and I’ll tell you about it. (Iris is working on an adaptation of _Les Misérables_ set in Tokyo, where Jean Valjean steals a doughnut from Mister Donut.)

_Pretty Good Number One_ is now out in paperback. You can buy it on Amazon or special-order it at any bookstore; they’ll have it for you within a couple of days for $13.

I have a [Q&A this morning]( on the Seattle Times’s food blog.

This Sunday (July 23), I’ll be reading, talking, and showing a few photos at [Ada’s Technical Books](, a lovely small bookstore on Capitol Hill, Seattle. This is the only date on my [book tour]( where the paperback will be for sale, so come by and pick one up, and I’ll sign it for you. The paperback will also be in stock soon at Elliott Bay Book Company and University Bookstore in Seattle.

Finally, if you’re in Boston and want to come to my event there on Monday, July 15, please send me an email ([email protected]). It’s a private event, but anyone who reads the blog is welcome; just RSVP.

Thank you again for being my most faithful readers.

One thought on “Latest book updates

  1. Carol wexler

    Loved your book. We are off to Tokyo on Saturday. For the 20th time. We have a severe addiction to the inexpensive restaurants in Japan. I am dreaming of the triangle onigori in the 7/11. Regards to your family. Best of luck on your book.
    Carol and Paul Wexler of tel aviv

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