You got served

Iris and I did a pirate story called Root Cellar Island, in which K. Rool and his crew find a secret cache of root vegetables under Iris’s bed. They roast them over an open fire, with the help of Iris (a good fairy).

> **K. Rool:** I have a question. What are you planning to do with that giant onion you wouldn’t let us eat?

> **Iris:** I was going to eat it myself. Or actually…


> **Keelhaulin’ Katie:** Ow! Quick, let’s get out of here.

> **Iris (dropping Q-tips onto the ship):** Just then, 1800 rashers of bacon fell on their ship.

> **Matthew:** Wait, is that bad or good?

> **Iris:** Surprising.

4 thoughts on “You got served

  1. heather

    wait, did it turn out that k.rool did NOT, in fact, die? like, maybe he was actually being held captive on an island that looked just like where he lived–all days of our lives-style?

    or is this a flashback episode?

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