Big mug

I went out early this morning to write and was too lazy to eat breakfast before leaving the house. So I went to Tully’s and had a milkshake. It was loaded with vitamins, minerals, espresso, and chocolate syrup.

Then I needed the bathroom key. First, it was sitting right near the bathroom door. What is the point of this, exactly? Is it so an employee can grab the key and slip it behind the counter in the event of problematic bathroom use? But in that case, why give customers the key at all? Why not just let them use the pushbutton or deadbolt?

This particular key was attached to a huge and very heavy metal milk-steaming pitcher. It took me like 30 seconds to get the door open. I wonder if there is a Guinness record for largest object on a public restroom keyring.

2 thoughts on “Big mug

  1. MOM(Judy)

    But it’s such a good way to spread germs. I hope the pitcher never gets used for its original purpose.

  2. heather

    driving cross-country, betwixt chicago and albuquerque, some grungy gas station somewhere handed me a tire rim with the bathroom key tied to it with weird poky wire. for reals.

    do you know what would be awesome? if the public restroom keyring were an animal of some sort.

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