Big mama’s house

We had some excellent bibimbap for dinner (from my recently published recipe, without the stone bowl). I’m following mine up with Starbucks Coffee Almond Fudge ice cream, which has finally seen the light and is now sold in pints instead of quarts.

After dinner Iris grabbed a plate and the (empty) maple syrup pitcher and announced that we were playing a game where I would put a toy on the plate, she would pour syrup on it, and the big stuffed bear would eat it. The big stuffed bear’s name, for reasons I’m not even going to go into, is Big Mama Robert Preston.

So I dutifully put Little Sister Doggy onto the plate and B.M.R.P. ate her.

> **Me** (posing as B.M.R.P.): MMMMM! That was GOOD. Do you have any more like that?

> **Iris:** No, but we have a brother who tastes really good.

4 thoughts on “Big mama’s house

  1. KathyR

    I am really curious about the backstory of B.M.R.P. Does it have something to do with “Victor/Victoria”?

  2. mamster Post author

    Hee hee. It has to do with Iris getting obsessed with The Music Man and with calling everything “mama” and “baby”. So she put on “76 Trombones” and made the big bear dance with the little bear, and she already knew the guy leading the trombones was Robert Preston, so…

    I told you it was a long story. The real question is, would you rather be named Big Mama Robert Preston or Little Sister Doggy?

  3. Auntie Nan

    I’m pleased to hear that Iris has been exposed to The Music Man. We can all get together and sing show tunes!

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