Spooky tooth

Iris turned off all the lights in her room and she and Laurie played Spooky Construction Site. Then she asked me to come play.

> **Me:** I want to eat at Spooky [Lark](http://www.larkseattle.com/).

> **Iris:** Oh, good one.

> **Me:** What’s on the menu?

> **Iris:** We have spooky chicken, spooky pork, spooky sausage, and spooky lasagna. And spooky cheese to put in the lasagna.

One thought on “Spooky tooth

  1. Great

    Do you really expect this beautiful little girl’s vocabulary and knowledge of the world outside her home to consist entirely of “food” and its various elemental involvements?? (What does that mean?) I just wish that the other members of her (your) family expose her to the real world out there! G Great

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