If it’s not Bavarian…

The other day I was at Bavarian Meats (which features not only meats, but all things Bavarian) buying bacon and ham, and a new Ritter Sport flavor caught my eye. Ritter Sport are those square German chocolate bars available in many delectable varieties such as Knusperkeks, Alpenmilch, and Jogurt.

This new bar was chocolate mousse in dark chocolate. Of course, it wasn’t really mousse. It would be called a truffle bar in any American supermarket. Despite being the kind of chocolate snob most at home with a Valrhona 70 percent bar, I have never met a truffle bar I didn’t like. For that matter, it would be dangerous to leave me alone with a bowl of Lindor balls.

The Ritter mousse bar was pretty much like every other truffle bar I’ve ever tried. Only square. Recommended!

P.S.: Knusperkeks.