By request

Iris woke up and I reminded her that she was going to the babysitter this morning.

**Iris:** What are you going to do?

**Me:** I’m going to do some shopping at QFC and probably write something on my baby computer.

**Iris:** You should write something for your blog about me eating burgers.

No problem! The other night we had burgers and Iris unveiled a new technique wherein she separated the patty from the bun, ate the bun, and then picked up the patty and took huge bites.

I believe this is how Kobayashi eats his burgers.

3 thoughts on “By request

  1. Matthew Murray

    Not to take away from Iris’s accomplishments, but I too know someone who eats hamburgers this way. He will eat each individual portion of the burger individually–one half of the bun, he’ll peel off the cheese if it’s a cheeseburger and eat that, then eat the burger itself, then eat the lettuce, tomato, and whatever else, and finally wash it down with the other half of the bun. He doesn’t use exactly Iris’s method–he uses a knife and fork for at least part of the meal–but it’s still one of the weirdest (and slowest) methods of hamburger-eating I’ve ever seen. And he’s somewhere between 30 and 60 times Iris’s age (I realize that’s a big window, but even though I can’t remember exactly how old she is, I know she’s pretty oung).

  2. Karen

    How cute! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she gets a kick out of reading about her exploits on her dad’s blog.

    Hmmm… oh, perhaps she reads already?

  3. Moose

    So cute, like the “baby computer” part. Pretty soon she will be “double-dogging” hot dogs like Kobayashi san. My 3yo son tosses the bun aside and just eats the dogs (dipped in ketchup of course).

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