Pound for pound

We had breaded pork cutlets for dinner, on buns with coleslaw. Why is coleslaw so good on a sandwich? I don’t even really like coleslaw, but when it’s on a barbecue sandwich, or a breaded pork cutlet, or a sausage sandwich like at Shultzy’s, or even a burger, it’s perfect.

Once Laurie said to me, “For a person who doesn’t like coleslaw, this is some really good coleslaw.” I just use the scallion-cilantro coleslaw recipe from Cook’s Illustrated.

Iris was very interested in the pounding of the cutlets. HP Sauce was served. Later, during bathtime, Iris grabbed my hand and started mashing it against the side of the tub.

> **Iris:** Iris pounding Dada’s finger. Like the meat.

One thought on “Pound for pound

  1. Melissa

    I had never experienced coleslaw on any kind of sandwich until I lived in NC, but now I am a huge fan.
    And now I’m hungry for NC BBQ, and I haven’t found anything in Dallas that’s even close, and Dad hasn’t quite hit on the right formula yet. Not that we don’t have great BBQ too–but they’re very different!

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